Sunday, March 6, 2011

School News 3/6/11


JA Biztown Field Trip:  Consent forms for this field trip (for photography) came home with your student this week.  Please note that students will need to arrive at school by 8:10 am (one hour early) on Friday, March 11.  Buses will leave no later than 8:20.  We will be back at school by 3:00.  For lunch, students and chaperones will be able to purchase one slice of pizza with their "Biztown Money".  If you or your student will require a more substantial lunch or you prefer a different lunch, you are welcome to pack your own lunch.  

Fourth Grade Recorder Concert: Fourth grade recorder concert is coming up quickly.  The concert is scheduled for Thursday, March 17th, at 7:00 p.m. in the multi-purpose room.  Details:
  • Arrive between 6:30 and 6:45.
  • Go directly to the stage and sit with your class.
  • Dress nicely. 
  • Girls wear skirt or dress pants with a blouse, or a dress.  No high heels. 
  • Boys wear a collared shirt with dress pants.
  • Refrain from wearing jeans.
Feel free to email Ms. Badgely at  with questions.

 Popcorn is Back: It is time to enjoy the smell of popcorn in the air once again.  Don't forget to bring in your quarters and buy a bag or two to enjoy.

Here's the Scoop:  One scoop, two scoops, or possibly three.  Join us at Ben and Jerry's Tuesday, March 15th and help our fifth graders raise money for Camp Colman.  For every scoop, sundae, shake, smoothie, or waffle cone you enjoy, Ben and Jerry's will donate 20% of your total purchase.

After School Movie: Our next session is coming soon!  Join us in watching Megamind on March 23rd.   
·         Movie:  Megamind (PG)
·         Fee:     $10 checks only (no cash)
·         Dates:  (pick one)
o  Wed. March 23rd 1:15pm-3:30pm: Permission Slips due by noon on Thursday, March 17th

We Celebrated Reading! - We had a fabulous week of celebrating reading.  Thank you Mrs. Gekeler and Mrs. Otley for all your hard work.

SCIENCE FAIR:  March 16, 2011    Please go to  for more information on how your student can participate in the Science Fair.