Sunday, March 6, 2011

Learning Updates

We've been busy lately. Here's the latest from Room 264: 

  • We have continued on with Unit 7 about fractions in Everyday Math.
  • Students have learned the Equivalent Fraction Rule and practiced finding equivalent fractions.
  • Students compared and ordered fractions. Students have discovered several strategies to help them compare and order fractions with like denominators, like numerators, and using ½ as a benchmark. Take time to ask your student about these strategies.
  • This week we will finish our lessons and have the unit test.
  • What a great week of celebrating reading! “Read Across America” was very inspiring for the students this week.
  • We've been making more headway with our Read Aloud,  A Wrinkle in Time
  • We'll be reading more about states of matter for our science field test
 Social Studies:
  • This week we wrapped up our class lessons on Financial Literacy in our Biztown unit.
  • Students now know how to write checks, maintain a checkbook register, and make bank deposits.
  • On Thursday they learned their job assignment. They are over-the-moon excited for this field trip!
  • Our focus next week will be on Workplace Readiness (appropriate behaviors, attire, and business costs).
  • The students will then have the opportunity to work with their new business group colleagues to design advertisements, create a commercial, and apply for a bank loan to start-up their business.
  • Students began a series of art lessons to make a clay dragon mask for our upcoming Pacific Rim unit in Social Studies. Thanks so much to Leigh K., Lynne V., and Karla O. for a great lesson!
  • This week they created the face of their dragon and in the coming weeks the projects will be fired in the kiln and then glazed.  Each face was as unique as the child who designed it.  
  • Students are deep in the publishing process
  • All have completed their rough drafts and are working their way through revising, revising conference, editing, editing conference, and publishing
  • The pieces are so unique and so personal to each student. It's exciting to read their work and to help them fine tune things

Science:  As you know, our class is field testing new science materials.  Last week we field tested the GEMS space science program. We examined concepts such as gravity and earth's shape. We also began conducting our final tests on a second program--CSG Matter. We did a very interesting, hands-on lesson--be sure to ask your student about this and other lessons they participated in.

Biztown. Students role play the part of an employer and employee. After each of four scenarios we discussed what the employee could have done to be a more responsible employee.
Art docent lesson--clay dragon masks
Students brainstorm what makes a good business during a Biztown lesson
Ask your child about these two models. Which one is correct? What is the evidence that backs this up?