Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Learning Updates

Problem, what problem? Mr. Ciraulo (our SAGE teacher) worked with the class on problem solving, and specifically on writing their solutions in clear, succinct ways. We're fortunate to have him join us every other week for instruction on problem solving.
I'm famous! (As you've no doubt heard by now) Students from our class and Rappin's class made a quick cameo appearance in a film sponsored by Issaquah Schools Foundation on the topic of school funding.
Timeline Project. Students presented their Washington State Timeline research writing pieces and art projects in the hall outside our classroom. On the wall is our complete class timeline.
Recorder Concert. 4th graders perform for other students during a dress rehearsal prior to the evening concert for families.
Science Fair. Participants from our class shared about their projects.
Author's Chair. Students proudly display their final essay drafts.