Sunday, March 13, 2011

School News 3/13/11

Fourth Grade Recorder Concert: Fourth grade recorder concert is coming up quickly.  The concert is scheduled for Thursday, March 17th, at 7:00 p.m. in the multi-purpose room.  Details:
  • Arrive between 6:30 and 6:45.
  • Go directly to the stage and sit with your class.
  • Dress nicely. 
  • Girls wear skirt or dress pants with a blouse, or a dress.  No high heels. 
  • Boys wear a collared shirt with dress pants.
  • Refrain from wearing jeans.
Feel free to email Ms. Badgely at  with questions.

Popcorn is Back: It is time to enjoy the smell of popcorn in the air once again.  Don't forget to bring in your quarters and buy a bag or two to enjoy.

HERE'S THE SCOOP!!  Or two scoops, or possibly three!! Join us at Ben & Jerry's Tuesday March 15th and help our 5th graders raise money for Camp Colman. For every scoop, sundae, shake, smoothie or waffle cone you enjoy, Ben & Jerry's will donate 20% of your total purchase. What'll it be? Phish food, Fossil Fuel, Americone Dream, Cherry Garcia....YUM!

Science Fair is Here!  Check out our website for full details. Turn in projects March 15th. Join us on March 16th for a great night of learning. Receive a free bag of popcorn for participating when you come to school on March 17th. Questions? Contact Theora Dalupan at

ANIMALS AT SCHOOL: In accordance with Issaquah School District Policy, please be aware that animals are not allowed in the school building or on school property. This is in accordance with Issaquah School District Policy 6973. For more information, visit the district website at

After School Movies:  Each movie is open to all Grand Ridge students (K-5)

·         "Megamind" (PG) will be show on Wed March 23rd immediately after school in the Grand Ridge Commons.
·         Permission slips can be found on the Grand Ridge website: and at the PTSA bulletin board outside the Grand Ridge office.
·         Permission slips must be completely filled out and returned with $10 admission (checks only please) per student by no later than noon on the Thursday prior to the event.
·         Students will be dismissed and met in their wing at 1:10pm the afternoon of the movie and escorted to the Commons by Grand Ridge volunteers.
·         Students should bring coats, backpacks, lunch boxes, etc. with them when they are dismissed to the movie.
·         A nut-free snack and bottle of water will be provided to students during the movie.
·         Photo ID is required for the 3:30pm pick up.
·         Volunteers will receive one complimentary admission for their child.