Sunday, January 16, 2011

School News 1/16/11

After School Movies
- Each movie is open to all Grand Ridge students (K-5).
- "Despicable Me" (PG) will be show on both Wed. Jan. 12th and Wed. Jan. 19th immediately after school.
- Parents should only register for one of the January dates.
- Permission slips can be found on the Grand Ridge website ( and at the PTSA bulletin board at Grand Ridge.
- Permission slips must be completely filled out and returned with $10 admission per student by no later than 4pm on the Friday prior to the event.
- Students will be dismissed and met in their wing at 1:10pm the afternoon of the movie and escorted to the Commons by Grand Ridge volunteers.
- Students should bring coats, backpacks, lunch boxes, etc. with them when they are dismissed to the movie.
- A nut-free snack and bottle of water will be provided to students during the movie.
- Parents will pick their students up in the Commons at 3:45pm the day of event and must show photo ID in order to sign them out.