Thursday, January 27, 2011

Learning Updates

Here's what we've been up to these last days of January...

  • Using full and half circle protractors to measure angles
  • Learning/practicing the partial quotients method of division
  • Reviewing latitude, longitude, using a map scale, and using coordinate grids
  • Taking 6-11 test on Monday
  • Exploring the genre of essay writing
  • Students came up with a thesis & 3 supporting bullet points and set up file folders with these on the outside. Ask what your child's thesis and supporting points are.
  • Began writing "mini-stories" or anecdotes that are angled to support their bullet points (topic sentences)
  • Discussing and reading about Martin Luther King Jr., slavery and civil rights
  • Read Henry's Freedom Box and had Book-It All Over assembly. The cast spent an hour later in the day with our class writing and performing a play. 
  • Read Aloud--Where the Red Fern Grows. We're nearing the end. Be sure to ask about the coon hunting competition
Social Studies
  • Wrapped up Lewis & Clark/explorers unit. Ask what where your child's least/most favorite and most challenging jobs during the simulation. Why?
  • Discussing, reading and studying about Washington State Government before we tour the Capitol Monday 2/7.
Global Reading Challenge. Thursday we watched 7 predominantly 4th grade teams of students compete in our school challenge. The winning team will represent our school at the District level. More pictures here.
Book-It All Over session in our classroom. Students warmed up their bodies and imaginations, and then wrote and performed a play. More pictures here.
Branches of Government pictorial. Have your student explain this to you. Also, did you know you can click on these pictures to view a larger version?