Sunday, January 16, 2011

Class News

Dear Families,

We had another great week, despite the early release & late start due to snow. Here's what we've been up to:

Social Studies
  • Students ventured further in their teams (corps) on the Lewis & Clark simulation expedition
  • Captains calculated mileage, determined latitude/longitude, assigned roles in their corps and assisted others
  • Journal writers took notes on their corps ideas about the daily dilemma, researched what Lewis & Clark's actual decision was to that exact dilemma, and wrote a journal entry with all that information
  • Interpreters researched a native American tribe, near their corps' location and wrote/illustrated a detailed post card to the president--Thomas Jefferson about this and other details
  • Privates completed a variety of tasks including making beaded bracelets, rainmakers, researching Fort Mandan or Clatsop and creating drawings/models, plus much more
  • Example Daily Dilemmas: should your corp trade weapons for 20 horses? After a boat tipped over on the river--should your corp try to salvage what they can? Should your corp agree to take along a man named Toussaint Charbonneau, and his pregnant wife? (ask your student what their corp decided to do about each of these dilemmas)
  • Took unit 5 assessment, received graded assessment back. Thank you for your additional support at home in helping practice the types of problems that were problematic for your child.
  • Started unit 6. Please see the Family Letter Here
  • Just introduced the partial quotients division algorithm
  • In honor of MLK Day we read a couple books relating to slavery the underground railroad: A Place Called Freedom and Aboard the Underground Railroad
  • Read about/discussed the Civil War, Emancipation Proclamation, and Civil Rights movement from our Washington Adventure Textbook
  • Watched a Youtube video of the Martin Luther King I have a Dream Speech
  • Practiced writing more essays and stretching a train of thought by using discussion prompts
Art Docent
  • Thank you to Lynne Varner, Leigh Karvasek and Karla Olson for a great Art Docent Lesson last week (see below)
Picasso Art Docent Lesson. Students paint a self-portrait, emulating Picasso's rose and blue periods. More pictures here.