Sunday, January 9, 2011

Learning Updates

Dear Families,

We've had a busy start to 2011. Thank you so much to everyone who donated supplies for our Lewis & Clark simulation. The students are absolutely loving putting them to use on their "Private's Tasks." Be sure to ask about your student about Private's Tasks. Also, please keep sending in your empty cardboard paper towel tubes for the time being.

Here's some of what we've been up to:

Social Studies

  • Went over rules and expectations of our Lewis and Clark simulation
  • Looked over student samples and talked about grading
  • Students completed the first day of the expedition
  • Ask what the Daily Dilemma was and how that works
  • What job were you? Tell me about the job and duties of a captain, interpreter, journal writer and private.
  • Learned about "big numbers" and how to compare them
  • Did a brief intro into powers of ten and exponents
  • Worked on rounding large numbers
  • Practiced partial products, lattice, and traditional algorithms (methods of) multiplication
  • Reviewed for Unit 5 math test (test is on Monday)
  • Worked on reading for a purpose
    • Finding the heart of what an author is trying to say, and repeatedly coming back to that
  • Added a new choice to Daily 5--Work on Word Work
    • Ask your student about Mountain Language and how it works
    • This is a program that helps students practice a variety of important word and grammar skills, with the goal that these skills will transfer to students' writing
  • Read Aloud (Where the Red Fern Grows): What was the predicament that Old Dan got in to? Also, what sort of danger did Little Ann get in to? How did Billy solve this problem?
Mountain Language Board. The cards get changed each week, but the worksheet and concepts stay the same.

Students work in small groups to figure out the answers to the second half of the board. Soon they'll complete Mountain Language individually each week and then we'll review the answers as a class.

More Mountain Language. This is our Word Work choice during Daily 5

  • What was the New Year's Resolution you wrote? Also, what sort of baby steps did you write in your plan in order to reach your goal?
  • Started a new writing unit and genre--Essay Writing
    • Tell me about an essay you've written so far
    • What's a strategy for generating an essay topic?
Students share and receive feedback on their New Year's Resolutions