Friday, October 8, 2010

School News

WORKROOM TRAINING FOR VOLUNTEERSIf you plan to help with clerical work this year, I would appreciate it if you would attend one of the following Workroom Trainings:

October 19th @ 9:30, 1:00, and 5:30 or October 25th @ 9:30, 1:00, and 5:30

Please meet outside the school office. You will be shown where the supplies and materials are located and how to use the copy machines and die cutters.  Please come if you plan to volunteer at school.

School Pictures & Picture Re-take Day – Friday, October 22
If you ordered a school picture package, it will be sent home via “kid mail” (backpack) before October 22. If you wish to have your child’s portrait re-taken, simply send the photo package back to school with your child on October 22.  

If your child has not already had his or her picture taken and you would like to purchase a picture package, order forms are available in the school office.  They are due Friday, October 22.
Reflections Art Competition: Join the Fun!  Enter your artwork in this year’s Reflections Art Competition, October 11 ~ 22, 2010. The 2010-2011 Reflections theme is:  “Together We Can…”  Please take the time to read the rules for your category at
If you have any questions, Please contact Theora Dalupan at
Vision and Hearing Screening October 28th
Vision and hearing screening at Grand Ridge Elementary will be on Thursday, October 28th. If at all possible, please have your child at school on screening day to minimize the number of re-checks later. If you would like your child to be excluded from the screening, please send a note to your child’s teacher the day of the screening specifying if your child is to be excluded from all or part of the screening. If your child wears glasses, please be sure that they bring their glasses to school on the day of the screening. Students failing the initial screening will be re-screened by the school nurse before referral notices are mailed home. The re-screening process usually takes at least several weeks to complete.