Friday, October 1, 2010

School News

School Pictures & Picture Re-take Day – Friday, October 22
If you ordered a school picture package, it will be sent home via “kid mail” (backpack) before October 22. If you wish to have your child’s portrait re-taken, simply send the photo package back to school with your child on October 22.
If your child has not already had his or her picture taken and you would like to purchase a picture package, order forms are available in the school office.  They are due Friday, October 22.

Ride the bus to protect classroom dollars!   We need all regular bus riders to make sure to ride the bus from Monday, Oct. 4, through Friday, Oct. 8. These rider numbers determine the amount of funding our Transportation Department receives from the State of Washington.

Reflections Art Competition:  Join the Fun!  Enter your artwork in this year’s Reflections Art Competition, October 11 ~ 22, 2010. The 2010-2011 Reflections theme is:  “Together We Can…”  Please take the time to read the rules for your category at
If you have any questions, Please contact Theora Dalupan at