Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Ecosystems Home School Connection

Get permission from your parent or caregiver to go into your backyard or some other outside place. Spend 15 minutes sitting quietly in the outside place, noticing the sounds, sights and odors that surround you in nature.

Write about as many of the plants and animals you noticed in nature. Tell about the odors you smelled and/or the sounds you heard.

Remember to follow the blogging rules at right of our page. Also, push your stamina and try to write longer and in greater detail this time.


  1. I heard birds chirping overhead, bees hummed in the air. I smelled the fresh cut grass around me, trees and flowers surrounded me. Bugs crawled silently in the grass, trees stood tall and strong and flowers swayed gently in the wind.

  2. I heard lots of noises like: Birds calling to other birds ( Tweet tweet tweet).I
    also heard cars and trucks going by (lots). Loud noise sounds for exampl construction. Bees busing I had to move because of them. I saw a bunch of stuff too like: trees, plants,bushes, 1 mail box, 1 lamp post, neibors a lot of stuff like that. Do you want to here the rest I bet you do a lot of Halloween decerations, red, orange, and green leafs, and last but not least the HUSKIE FLAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    P.S, GO HUSKIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. When I was outside I heard cars passing, birds chirping, and the sound of my neighbors wind chime from my front yard. Outside smelled of flowers and fresh air. Outside sights were mostly life such as: trees, flowers, grass, bushes, and weeds. I also saw mail boxes and pumpkins on front porches. There were more, but these are the less obvious ones, anyway that's what I saw from my front yard.

  4. I hear birds chirping in tree.I see trees growing tall around me.I also see bees flying by.when I go through the forest, I wonder what animals are near.I know that animals are all around us,but some don't know.some animals and insect are deadly, and some are not,but no matter what we should be careful.And that is what I have to say about ecosystems.

  5. I was outside until i heard, saw and smelled things that i like to enjoy. I heard bees buzzing, birds chirping and the wind blowing. What i smelled was grass and trees. I saw leaves falling, grass leaning from the wind and the bushes leaning from the wind

  6. I saw Tiger mountain, Skauk mountain and Cougar mountain. I also saw leaves changing into fall colors like red,yellow,brown and green.I smelled wood chips and fresh cut grass.I heard the wind, loggers logging , the sound of kids playing,birds cheeping and an army helicopter over head.

  7. I heard and saw birds.Then I thought that it smelled fall. then I saw trees and my dog Dakota and birds fling above me and kids having fun across the street.

  8. This morning while walking to school I heard the birds sing and my dog bark. I also saw the fresh dew on the mornings grass.It was a beutiful morning, the sun was high in the sky and I could see a few white puffy clouds.


  9. I saw lots of things like butterflies, crickets, dragonflies, flowers, weeds, moths, tadpoles and a snake. I also heard a lot things like birds, frogs, rocks falling into the pond, bees, running water and cars. It mostly smelled like pollen and that is what I heard, saw and smelled.

  10. When I was seating at my front porch I saw all lot of trucks and cars coming in and out. The sound smelled like fresh air.There were bees buzzing around and also insects everywhere the wet grass was everywhere and lots of halloween stuff for example spider webs,pumpkins and rip signs.

  11. I heard alot of everthing like birds chirping a woodpecker pounding on a tree . Two or three bees still buzzing around. I saw alot of trees bushes and some squirels. There was also the smell of the freshly cut grass

  12. When I was at Grizzly Club I went outside to play. I played really hard but I heard a lot of cool thing. I heard foot steps of kids running including me. I heard lots of kids taking, laughing, shouting, and whispering. There was also a girl crying and children were asking what is wrong. I listened and on the top of the bridge there were little kids stomping hard.-Alexis

  13. In my backyard, my dad was grilling our dinner. I could hear birds chirping and kids were playing. We also saw spiders in lots of webs attached to our trees and plants.
    I also saw a ladybug in one of my mom’s flowerpots. There was another one sitting on the house.
    On our walk, we heard dogs barking and someone bouncing a basketball. Then we saw a rabbit. He was a tannish-brown rabbit that was eating grass in somebody’s yard.

  14. The forest I went through smelled like blooming flowers. I heard shakes. I thought it was a bear, but it was three butterflies. I also saw a douglas furs, I thought. Moss was on all of these trees, and it gave me the jiggles!

  15. When I was sitting outside I heard many cars and trucks. I also heard planes, helicopters, and people. I even saw a helicopter (helicopters are really loud). I watched flies buzz around me and ants crawl along the pavement. I smelled wood and pine from the houses. I saw many beautifully colored leaves and tall bright green grass.

  16. When I was outside something I heard was grasshoppers buzzing. Another thing is grass rustling. Something I smelled was moist green grass.Something I saw were some deer. I also saw lots of spiders and webs.

  17. From my balcony I saw my natural greenbelt, a lamppost in the distance, and darkness. I could smell light smoke,fresh pine,fall,and cool air. I could feel coolness and a light night breeze on my arms. I think our backyard/greenbelt is beautiful.

  18. When I was at home at night time I went outside and I saw a lot of bugs. I also saw some plants and all of them had green leaves. One of the plants had little red seeds. I saw one spider web but I did not see any spiders.- Alexis

  19. From my deck I saw trees swaying. I could smell the fresh smell of pine,grass,and cool air. I could feel the wind blowing in my face and the sun shining in my eyes. I could hear bunnies hopping in the bushes.

  20. I saw birds flying all over the place! I heard an airplane passing by. There were crickets chirping and there were kids screaming and yelling. It felt very hot because I was sitting directly in the sun. It was sunny but I couldn`t see any one playing outside but I heard kids yelling so I know some people were. It smelled fresh and felt like you could sit outside all night!

  21. When I was outside I saw a deer, bugs, birds and a squirrel. I felt grass and fresh air. I heard chirpinig noises, talking and a little breeze noise. I smelled fall air, fresh bark and flowers.

  22. While I was at the horse stables,I smelled my favorite smell of all,the warm, dusty beautiful horse.I also smelled the sweet grassy hay.What was amazing...the large,tall, Cascade Mountains!Above them was a big, round, full, moon.Everywhere was the new kind of tree...trees blooming with color.All Icould hear was a big , strong, jet plane.-Katherine

  23. In my backyard I heard lots of noises, smelled lots of smells, and saw lots of plants, animals and things in the sky. The thing I found most interesting was noises. The noises I heard were the wind, a bird chirp, a frog, a garage door, foot steps, a dog bark, a car, a fire engine, and last but not least faint cricket. Also, I saw a spider, ivy, grass, stars, trees, roses, and sprouts. Lastly, I smelled the fresh cold air.-Jacqueline

  24. I heard alot of different types of noises. The noises are:birds chirping, bees buzzing, ducks quacking, dogs barking, and finally builders building. I also saw many different things, they are:leeves falling, insects flying in circles, birds flying on to branches, and finally grass getting blown by the wind.

  25. it was 1 40 dearing the day. i smelt like a really strong air it was so strong it tckled my nose.I also heard like a tweet! tweet! outside it was some kind of bird i could not tell.I can also see lots of bushes and trees it was like a world of green! have a nice day!

    christian jewell

    p.s go! Big Red!!! go big red!

  26. I went outside and I saw a big evergreen tree and a bird circling around it.Also a buzzing bird was by my plum tree.It smelled like flowers.Somethings I heard were,cars roaming, birds chirping,and something whistling.Bees were buzzing all around me.I also heard the neighbors pond going drip,drip,drip.

  27. When I went outside I heard a bunch of birds. The air was cold and all of the grass was covered with dew. I could hear all of the cars zooming about on the highway. I watched a leaf fall off a tree.

  28. I sat in the forest and heard the birds chirping, the bugs buzzing, and the woodpeckers pecking. I smelled what the fresh bark dust smells like when my dad puts it down. There was a light breeze that was a little cool. I looked up and saw the green of the trees above me and a squirrel hopping from branch to branch. I could hear the freeway in the distance.

  29. when Im outside I hear bees buzzing and i hear trees russeling and birds chirping.
