Saturday, March 10, 2012

Learning Updates 3.10.12

Author's Chair--Essays are finally finished! And this is impressive, complex fourth grade work!
A cranberry juice toast to all our hard work. 
Silent author's chair. Students roamed desk to desk, reading each others' essays, and then writing two specific compliments and one question for the author.
Modeling the four step problem solving method, Mr. Ciraulo met with our class again on Wednesday
Evidence circles. Students share their ideas about gravity and earth in space. They used an inflatable globe to help explain their thoughts.
Earth in Space concept wall. Can you believe all that we've learned in one week?! (Click on the picture--can always do this to view larger)
More information on our week:
  • Spent more time preparing for our upcoming BizTown field trip this Friday 3/16
  • Look for more final reminders about BizTown soon
  • Reviewed and took unit 7 math review. Started unit 8 and learned about perimeter, scale drawings and area
  • Began space science unit. See concept wall photo above. We'll try to finish up this next week and then move on to States of Matter
  • Met with our 2nd grade reading buddies and modeled more "lift a line" response journal entries in reading. Had an exciting assembly with Matt Holm, author of the Babymouse series (Thank you PTSA!!)
  • Report cards will come home this Friday 3/16