Thursday, February 9, 2012

Learning Update 2/10/12

The week in pictures, from Room 264...

Art Docent. Students created the Earth and Sun, using their compasses. This links with our upcoming Space Science unit.

Splat. Students strum the bristles of their paintbrush to create a splatter effect. Big thanks to Lisa Purdon for a great lesson, and thanks to Heather Kearns for all your help!

Survey says? In addition to mini-stories about ourselves and others, and lists, we also learned about conducting research in order to support our essay claims. Full list in next picture...
Research. Students learned we can use these various methods to conduct research to support our essays. My thesis is: Young children learn many amazing how to how to how to communicate. (Hopefully helps make my examples more clear for you)

Can I interview you? We took some in-class time for students to interview and survey one another. I've encouraged them to continue this at home, particularly over the weekend. We'll be trying to assemble these essays soon!!
King County Library Global Reading Challenge. We supported and cheered on our 7 teams of 7 fourth grade participants--49 students in all who have read 10 books (often multiple times) and trained the past couple months each Friday morning before school. Teams had to answer detailed short answer, multiple choice and True/False trivia questions about each book. The winning team will now represent our school at the district-wide challenge.

5th Grade Rockin' Snow White Musical.

The 5th Grader's put on a terrific show. The months of hard work and practice were quite evident!

Crazy Hair Day. What a spirited bunch!

A few other odds and ends
  • We've been reviewing fraction and probability concepts in math
  • Worked with colored pattern blocks to understand fractions better and adding/subtracting them
  • In reading we've focused this week on visualizing--envisioning the text through all five senses, plus a bonus feeling sense (emotions that are evoked when we read). 
  • Also worked on imagining ourselves in the "skin" of our character, envisioning things we read about in the text and also things that aren't in the text, but we picture that they are there