Friday, January 6, 2012

Learning Updates 1.6.2012

It's hard to believe it's already 2012. We started off the new year with a number of new units of study. Here's an important announcement before I tell you about the week:

Biztown—a highlight of the year for our fourth graders. The Disneyland of economics simulations.
Want to join us? Volunteer slots are filling up fast! We can only take a small number of volunteers from each class.
  • Mandatory parent volunteer training, Thursday February 9th in the Grand Ridge Multipurpose room, 6-8pm (for all parents who have not been to Biztown before)
  • Biztown field trip, all day Friday March 16th
If you would like to join us or have questions, please email our Biztown field trip coordinator, Michael Herzberg at

  • We began Unit 6 this week: division, map reference frames, and measures of angles
  • Practiced solving multiplication and division story problems, talked about division strategies
  • Learned the partial-quotients algorithm of division. As I told the students, if this method had been around when I was a student it would have been my favorite!
  • Revisited and worked some more on our Mountain Language program
  • Talked more about thinkmarks (recording our thinking about our books on sticky notes and bookmarking them in our books). We pruned out thinking that wasn't very deep by revisiting notes we've written
  • We'll do some reading response writing with one of these thinkmarks soon!
  • Started a new read aloud: Horse's Tale, focused on short historical fiction vignettes through Washington's history from 1890s to 1980s. We've already had some great discussions.
  • Started our new essay writing unit
  • Learned about ways to generate ideas for essay entries
  • Wrote short entries comprised of an observation--something students notice, and then their thinking about that
Social Studies
  • Began our unit on early Washington State History
  • Read, took notes, and wrote about early Paleo-Indians that lived here over 12,000 years ago. Compared coastal and plateau Native Americans of Washington
  • We'll take an open book quiz on this reading from our book on Monday (chapter 2)