Saturday, October 1, 2011

School News 10.1.11

Pictures Needed 
We will be putting together a school wide slide show of Veterans in our lives and community.  Please send digital pictures to Alice Badgley to be included in this special presentation.  Please include name and division of the military they served.
Please submit pictures by Wednesday Nov. 2nd.
Grand Ridge Staff 

Japan is coming to Grand Ridge in October 
Throughout this school year, the PTSA's Cultural Diversity Council will be highlighting various countries and their cultures each month.  Look for our World Map in the Commons and a museum of Japanese items and books in the library.  Plus, every Tuesday throughout the month of October there will be events in the lunchroom and activities during afternoon recess.  Let us know what countries and cultures you'd like to see represented in future months!  For more information, please contact Susan Wan ( or Yuki Foss at (

Salmon Days Run
Calling all physical fitness and healthy living enthusiasts. The Issaquah Schools Foundation wants you to sign up for the Issaquah Rotary Run at Salmon Days on Sunday, October 2nd. The 10K run, 5K walk and 1K Kids Dash offer challenges for every level AND a portion of each entry fee will benefit theIssaquah Schools Foundation—which will then benefit your kids. Go to to join the fun.
Book Swap!
On October 13th we’ll be holding our school’s second annual children’s book swap at Grand Ridge.  We’re looking for picture books and chapter books of all genres that are appropriate for elementary aged students.  You may drop off your donated books to Grand Ridge Elementary September 26-October 7th.  If you would like more information, or would like to help with this event, contact Sara Winnick  
School Directory update
As a benefit of joining, all PTSA member households receive a Grand Ridge School Directory.  The directory is being worked on right now and should be ready for delivery in the beginning of November.   Join the Grand Ridge PTSA today!

Committee Chair Meeting
Do you chair a PTSA committee, or would you like to?  We are having a meeting on Thursday October 6th at 9:30 in P7.  We will go over a lot of helpful information with regards to working on any PTSA programs or events.  Come learn who to contact, what you need, where inventory is, and how to get into our new storage container!  Please email Carolyn Kennedy ( with questions.
Save the Date!  Grand Ridge’s 1st Auction is on February 11, 2012.     Would you like to see more Arts? Music? Science? in your child’s education?  Here is a chance to channel your donations.  This is not your Parent’s Auction!  Get ready for an adult night-out party!   Tickets go on sale Nov. 1st.  Proceeds to benefit Science, Art, and Music at Grand Ridge.  More information can be found on the PTSA Website.  Questions? Please email the Auction Chair, Lida Buckner
Submissions due: Thursday, Oct. 27th.
For more information go to: