Thursday, October 27, 2011

Learning Updates 10.28.11

Here's a quick update of our week together:


  • Took the Unit 3 assessment, coming home in Friday Folders
  • Started Unit 4. Worked with decimal place value, notation, representing using base 10 blocks


  • Focused on determining main idea by examining Van Gogh's Starry Night and looking at a shared reading on the printing press. We pulled important details & used them to come up with a main idea.
  • Mrs. McGraw did a focus lesson on schema (background knowledge) related to a poem about popcorn on a stove.


  • Began our second writing unit, again on Personal Narratives, but we'll go much deeper this time
  • Learned new strategies for generating writing ideas, i.e. thinking of turning points such as first or last times, of times when strong emotions were involved, or of classic family stories


  • Continued to observe our aquaria and terraria
  • Added our crickets and isopods to the terraria, and assembled the eco column!
  • Fun bonus--ask your child to write "isopod" on a sticky note and get it to me by Friday 11/4 for 10 Grizzly Bucks.
Dependent vs. Independent Relationships. Our class generated this during a discussion. Click to view larger and ask your student to explain this to you.

Mayhem! Two crickets on the loose and half the class on the hunt. The story ends happily with both fugitives apprehended and happily enjoying the confines of their new terrarium.