Thursday, September 1, 2011

Learning Updates

September 2, 2011

Outstanding is the best way to describe our first few days of school.  This week was spent getting to know each other, establishing classroom routines, setting guidelines and expectations, and delving into some curriculum areas.  The year ahead will be one of discovery, learning, and fun for all of us.  Our class has 24 amazing students and I am looking forward to a positive and memorable year. 

Communication with parents is important to me and to your student, please take the time each week to check out this site to see what has been happening in your child's classroom.  Talk to them about it and ask them to share their feelings and experiences.  Please feel free to email or call me with concerns whenever they arise.


Math:  This week students began Unit 1: Naming and Constructing Geometric Figures, in our Everyday Math program.   Unit 1 has five main areas of focus:
  • To introduce students to the Student Reference Book,
  • To practice using geometry tools,
  • To classify quadrangles,
  • To explore and identify polygons, and
  • To review and practice addition and subtraction facts.
As you are out and about with your student help them to identify places where you can see geometry in the world around them. 

This week student identified, labeled, drew, and named lines, line segments, and rays.
  1. Ask your student to identify the figures below.
  2. Ask your student how the figures are named.
  3. Ask your student to identify the properties and relationships of the figures below.
Ray CD, Line  XY (YX), XZ (ZX), or YZ (ZY), and Line segment AB or BA
A ray has an endpoint and goes on forever in one direction.
A line has no endpoints and goes on forever in both directions. 
A line segment has to endpoints.  Line segments are part of lines and can be measured.

Reading:  This week we worked on building stamina during Read to Self.  We also talked about how reading is thinking, the different ways students select books to read, and the difference between easy, just right, and challenging books.

Ask your student what their responsibilities are during "read to self" and what the teacher's responsibilities are.

  • Get started right away.
  • Stay in one spot.
  • Read quietly.
  • Read the whole time.
  • Work with groups and individual students.
Over the next few weeks students will be building stamina in this area.


Morning Drop Off:  Our class has being doing a great job following the morning routine for entering the building. Now that our students know how to find our classroom, we will begin letting them show off their leadership skills. On Tuesday, September 6th, students may wait in the undercover area without parent supervision. Miss Julie, one of our EAs, will dismiss grade levels when the bell rings. She will begin with 5th grade and work her way down to Kindergarten.
If you walk your child to school, you and your child may wait in Grand Central until the first bell rings. At that time, your child may enter the building and come to our classroom.
Thank you for helping your child learn our morning routine!
PE Attire:  Please encourage your child to wear appropriate footwear on PE days.  Students go to PE on Tuesday and Thursday.
Meet the Teacher Forms: Thank you so much to everyone who has already returned all of the classroom forms and questionnaires.  I would appreciate all classroom forms to be returned ASAP.
Friday Folder: Please look through your child’s folder this weekend. Students should return the folder on Monday with your signature.  Next week look for the "update form" to be included in the Friday Folder.  This form will also need to be signed and returned. 
September 5......... No School, Labor Day
September 14........ Curriculum Night, All Grades, K-2 6:00-6:45pm, 3-5 7:00-7:45pm
September 15........ Picture Day (for those who didn’t have them taken during TCoB)
September 29....... Vision and Hearing Screening