Sunday, August 28, 2011

Welcome to 4th Grade!

I am excited about the year ahead of us and look forward to getting to know each and every one of you. To learn a little more about me, click the "Meet Mr. Herzberg" tab of our blog.

If you have made your way to this page, your first blogging assignment is to read the guidelines for blogging on the right hand column of this page. After you have read the guidelines please respond by answering the following two questions.

1. Why are guidelines important to use when blogging?
2. Are there any other guidelines you would suggest adding and why


  1. Guidlines are important so people can understand what you want them to do and are there for protection.

    I don't think that you would need anymore guidelines.

  2. I think the guideline to not use your last name is important because it helps to keep you safe.

    Cameron also thinks the guildlines are good the way they are.

  3. Guidelines are important because if you don't, people know who you are and you are risking someone kidnaping you, etc.

    I think all the guidelines are exactly how they need to be.

  4. Guidlines are important becausethey show you how to do things and I think you have just the right amount of guidlines
