Thursday, May 19, 2011

Toy Man

Today we were visited by Rick Hartman, aka the Toymaker. Rick shared his love for science by demonstrating how to create several toys that operate using "properties of air." Tonight I would like you to reflect on the workshop and what you learned from your experimentation with these toys by answering the following two questions. You MUST use paragraph form and follow the classroom rules for posting.
  1. Choose either the first or second project (not the kazoo) and, in a paragraph, explain how it used air to operate. Think scientifically.
  2. In a second paragraph, tell what you learned about the properties of air from today's activities.


  1. My favorite project was the first one. I really enjoyed playing with it, because it was like playing a game of mini basketball. It was also a fun experience by building it. I had so much fun.

  2. I learned from the properties of air that it can do a lot when two forces in the air collide. I also learned that when certain weight items go down a certain angle they can go really fast through the air, like the car we built. A third thing I learned was humans exhale air to make things move. I sure learned a lot from Rick Hartman(toy man).

  3. I choose the first one and how it operates is when you have the foam ball on the otherside of the straw, you blow and you see the foam ball floating in air. Then when you stop blwowing, the ball goes down. So when you blow your straw, you force the air to travel through the straw and at the end of the straw, thats where air is coming out of.

    What i learned today was that you use air to push things like on the second toy i made was that you had to blow air out of a bottle then when you push the air out of the bottle it move it moves the toy i made.

  4. The toy car used air scientifically because air is pushed out of the bottle and out into the straw attached to the car, The car goes zooming in some kind of direction because there is an eraser on the end.

    Some properties of air are:
    We inhale air, air is all around us, air is mass, air also has volume.

  5. The car used air to move. The (in the water bottle) air pushed at the eraser which was on tight enough so that it didn't fly off when the air pushed it. The air couldn't escape from the straw so it moved the car while escaping from the open end of the straw.

    The air moves object that it is blown at, or pushed into. Air is more then just the stuff that we breath it is also the substance that planes fly in and even gives us energy (wind mills). Air can do all this because it takes up space even though it feels like stuff floating around us that we can move through.

  6. I liked the Flipper Dinger the best. You blew up a straw using the force of air to blow the ball into the target! I never got it into the target, but i was very close, once.

    What I learned today was that you can use the force of air to move things such as: a car (squeezing a water bottle with a straw connected), and also blowing a straw making a ball go into a hoop. I never would of thought this would work. But it turns out it can work.

  7. I liked the car because we got to put our own little twist on it.To operate air, you had to put the small striped straw into the blue straw, and push on the water bottle to send the air through the straw to make the car go.

    I learned that air is much stronger than I thought it was, and is used for many things.Air is so strong, it can push planes!


  8. I liked the flinger dinger because it was like basketball.To operate the toy,you use the air in your lungs,and blow into the straw.Then air makes the pompom wire thing to go up. Then it can make go into the hoop.

    I learned that we use air in different ways. It can stop gravity. Make things go up with pressure and also push things with force.Air is an amazing thing!

  9. I liked how the toy car demonsrateted how air and gravity work together. You had to blow into the water bottle, squeeze the bottle and gravity did the rest. I liked doing that.

    I learned air is strong. Air can do many things and it is exhaled by humans to help trees. And also it works in ways I didn`t expect!

  10. i liked how the car showed us that air also helps things move. You had to put the straw witch was stuck in the water bottle and stick that in the car straw. Then, push on the water bottle then all the air in the water bottle pushes the car.

    i learned that we use air in lots of different ways. i also learned that hot air can work against gravity.

  11. The Flipper Dinger used air to operate by blowing air through the straw and creating air pressure to make the styrofoam ball float and then gravity pulls the ball back down.

    I learned that air can be used in funny and exciting demonstrations and it can also control stuff ith air pressure. Air is totally cool!!!!

  12. I liked the car,because it showed how air has force. That also interced me,because didn't know air could have force.

    I learned that air can be used in many ways. Air can be so excited ways. I love air!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. In the first project we built a fliper dingy. We used air to blow the bent paper clip with some styrafoam into the nail with a hole in it.

    I learned that air can be manipulated in many different ways. Like you can blow it or shoot it out of a bottle.

    my favorite part was building the fliper dingy. It was kind of hard but it was fun to play with.:)

  14. The toy car operates on air pressure. As you push the air out of the bottle to the car you have the eraser working as a sail. The pressure is stronger than the weight of the car and with that comes the effect of the car moving with the current of air pressure.

    I learned that air pressure can be used in endless situations. Not just the ways Mr. Hartman showed us air could be used. I also learned that air pressure is everywhere, to the rustle of wind to the exhaled air around us. I had lots of fun with the toys Mr. Hartman showed and let us make.

  15. I liked the flinger dinger. It was cool the way it made the ball fly into the air when all you're doing is blowing into the straw. Its like a mini basketball video game except you use air instead of a game controller. With air pressure, you can build up more power if you blow the air into a funnel.

    If you blow too hard, the ball would fly off. If you blow too little, it would barely fly up.

    I learned that air can be very powerful when there's a lot of it building up in one area. The air building up in the tube made it more powerful.

  16. The flipper-dinger was such a fun toy. It showed how gravity works by pulling the heavier side of the paper clip/styrofoam ball to the ground so it may do a 180 degrees turn. It also shows how air pressure is used in a creative and fun way. The flipper-dinger is used by blowing into a straw and air comes out of the other side of the straw creating air pressure pushing the styrofoam ball into the hook, or a place in that area.

    I learned how air pressure is used in science and how you can have fun experamenting with many games just like the flipper-dinger

  17. How the car works is you blow into the straw that connects to the water bottle. Then the bottle should be filled with air. Next you attach the bottle straw to the straw on the car. Lastly you push on the water bottle. Then ZOOM! There goes your car.

    What I learned is that I used to think that air you just breathe it. But now I know that air can be used to move things like the car and the foam ball. Also air can be used to make things sound unexpected like the third project.

  18. I liked the car because it connected with weight.For example if I added the seat or wings the car would move farther away!

    What I learned was that when you put a lot of pressure the air would go really fast, but if you don't put that much pressure in it, then it would not go as fast. Air is truly amazing!

  19. The first project had air preasure to blow the ball into the ring\hoop. Also there was air preasure by pulling in the ball on to the straw.
    I learned mostly air preasure because there was air comming throgh the straw and throgh the bottle into the car and ZOOM! There it goes.

  20. I learned that the car when you push down on the bottle the bottle sends air pressure on to the car and pushes it.

    I learned that in the property of air you can do many things with it like make toys and many other things like windmills for electricity.

  21. The secend project used air pressure by you filling the bottle with air and attaching it to the car. When you squeezed the all the air out of the bottle the air pushed the car forward.
    I learned that air is helpful in many way. Not only do you breathe it, air helps activate things too.

  22. The first toy we made was a fliperdinger. To get it to work you had to blow through a straw and try to maneuver a paper clip on to a hook. this was a great way to learn about air.

    By the Toyman coming, I got to learn that air is important in many ways. Not only is it important to us, but if we didn't breathe out CO2, plants wouldn't have anything to breathe in.

    ~ Alex
