Friday, May 13, 2011

Learning Updates

It's great to be back! More on what we've been up to below.

But first, thank you all for the kind words and well wishes. I had a great couple weeks out with my family. I'm so glad that I had the chance to be there with them during this big and exciting change in our lives. George is doing well. He's growing lots and he's a very sweet baby. We've been impressed with our two year old, William, as well. He seems like being an older brother and is adjusting well to the new family dynamics.

If you'd like to see some more photos of George and our family, check out Michelle Enebo's blog.

Last week I stopped by to make a cameo appearance in our class photo. I was surprised to find a nice basket of fruit--thank you. Also, thank you to all the parents who helped put together MSP snacks for the long writing days. These were a huge hit with the kids and a big help in keeping their stamina up.

MSP Testing
  • We took the Expository Writing test on Tuesday and the Reading test on Thursday
  • Testing is finally over with!
  • Students who need to make up any section of the test will do that within the next week
  • Took Unit 10 test, which came home the other day with your student
  • Took Unit 10 open response--coming home soon
  • Started Unit 11 on 3D shapes, weight, volume and capacity
  • See the parent letter here
  • Continued read aloud: From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler
  • Started reading assessments with students using leveled words lists
  • Finished up the Realistic Fiction Narrative writing unit
  • Had our Author's Chair celebration! (See pictures)
    • Students shared in small groups
    • Then students wrote positive reviews on their fellow group members' "Critics Agree..." sheets
Author's Chair. Be sure to click to view more pictures.
Social Studies
  • Wrapping up with Pacific Rim unit shortly
  • Ask your student about our Trade Simulation we did today!
    • Quote of the day goes to Ryan who said, "It was really fun, but at the same time it gave you a really big headache!"
    • What made the trading so hectic? How does that compare to trading that happens on real exchanges, ie the New York Stock Exchange?
Trading Simulation in action. We had to build a computer! More pictures here.