Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Market Day

Today we had our first Market Day. Think back and reflect. Please answer these two questions: What did you learn from the experience today? What will you do differently next time? Please write your answer to each question as a separate paragraph. Try to stretch your stamina and write in depth. Elaborate with good details and examples.


  1. I learned that working is harder then i thot and little kids love are creations.
    what i will do difrently is pay more atention to what i am doing.
    example my market day project was so good so many people came and i could not talk to everybody at once!

  2. I learned that working at a store was harder then I thought because if you have something that is really popular your store gets really crazy and you get stressed out. Trust me i'v had it happen to me before.

    The second thing I learned was that market day should be longer because you get to shop with freinds and have a good time. ( even if your doing math.)
    - Ellie

  3. I learned work pays off if you do the work yourself. Katherine and I worked hard on the projects we did and got an outstanding profit. What really surprised me was the diferences in the profit people earned depend entirely by what would catch a person`s eye.
    What I would do next time is try to do something to catch someone`s eye. Like to make something you think people would enjoy most (like a bookmark would catch a reader`s eye). Or to have something you can use in your everyday life (like a special pencil for someone at school. Next time I hope to find ways to attract the buyer. -brian

  4. I learned that keeping track of the sales is harder than I thought. Also, I think having a partner is a good idea because you can work together to get more money and someone can run the store while you go shopping. your work really pays off.

    For next time I will make more products so we don't sell out. Also, to do better job of keeping track of our sales.

  5. What i learned today was that when people buy your item, its because they realize the time you put into making your product.
    As i was walking around, i saw the hard work everyone put into it and made me want to buy their products. Some of the products expressed the inventor him or herself.

    What I would do differently is too lower the price. I realized that my product was kind of simple compared to the other students.

  6. Today I learned about selling and buying items.Having your own buisness means not only earning lots of money you have to pay lots of money!I also learned that having your own buisness is not very easy!

    Next time I think I could be more organized because it looked like all of my earings were seperated from their matching pair. Also I think I could of made a little less itemes.


  7. What I learned today is that taking care of a shop is very hard work. You need to make sure you aren't low on stock and have plenty of change.Being
    organized is very important.
    Next time I'm going to start earlier and make sure I have enough stock.

  8. The thing i learned in market day is it's not easy. People only buy your products because you put a lot of effort in the project.We learned a new technique on how to make henna.Also I learned how to work along with a partner.We had to do a lot of work to earn money.

    I think it's better for you and the customer that instead of a service you should do a product. Also like some people already said you should do something that catch's the buyer's eye.

  9. I learned that marketing is harder than you think because people come constantly. Also sometimes you have to give change to people. Next you sometimes don't get many customers because they don't like the things you have.

    Next time I won't make so many products because my partner and I made five things and only 3 things sold well. For example our paper airplanes didn't sell at all.


  10. Market day was Alot of fun.Me and Bradley sold 49 pencils out of 65.It took me and Bradley a total of 6 hours (3 hours a day). Me and Bradley did not even finish are homework until like 9:30 at night.

    As I said Market Day is Alot of fun.It takes a really long time to make sports pencils but then we figured out a good way to make them faster me and Bradley made like 26 pencils each and my brother even made a few for us too.

  11. I learned that if you are open be prepared that you may have a lot of customers. Also that having a buisness can be a lot work!
    Next time I could have made more magnets so I don't sell out as quickly.

  12. I learned that running a buisness is alot of work.Like when I got back from shopping,it took me long time to get setteled in. What I would next time is do quick shopping, so your partner can go shopping, or your store can be open longer.

  13. I learned that it is easier to have a partner so you could go shopping and your partner could run the shop. Another thing I leaned is make 21 pennants!We made the perfect amount and sold out with only a few minutes left of Market Day.

    What I would do differently next time find better places for our raffles or make more eye catching raffles.Only Three kids and one principal filled out raffle tickets.We need to spend more time on the raffles.

  14. I learned that it's kind of hard to have a business. You have to do alot of work. After you make all the products you have to have a business plan. Then after you have to sell the products. Also it's better to have more products so there will be more customers.

    For next market day I will try to have a better business plan. Also I will try to make more of my product. I will also try to work a little harder not to get distracted while selling products.

  15. What I learned is that having a partner is a good idea because if you have a realy poppular item like i did and theres a big line and you need to work fast a patner will help you work faster.

    what I would do differently next is maybe not spend so much time stressing out about making money and go shopping to help other kids make more money

  16. I learned that there was a veary wide variety and pretty creatie. Also running a stand can be a lot of work.

    Next time I sould make more porducts and seperate wallit money and money I runed.

  17. I learned it is hard working by yourself. I think it was hard because it was my first time doing Market day, so I didn't really know how it goes. But I still had fun!

    What I would do differently, is make my product look more interesting. I would make it look more interesting because only the adults bought my products,and only one girl bought my product. That is what I would do diffrently nexts Market day.

  18. I learned that it is hard to take care of a store .A partner is nice because they can take over when you go buying.Customers don't come so fast as I thought they would.But I thought I could have done a better job.

    Next time,I will do a product not a service because it is much more harder to do a service.Also,I will try to be more patient for the customers.I will next time buy a lot less products and save money.In the next market day I will make less of the henna so I have less leftovers.

  19. I learned that you need lots of things that you are making to have a sale. Also you should have a group of people ( or just one person) to help you. When you do sell make sure that you have all the right dollar bills and enough of them all.
    What I would do different is stay at the booth longer and I would do less shopping. I would also help my partner on more selling. I will also find a different raffel prize. -Alexis

  20. Today I went to market day. It taught me how to sell stuff in a real job. I learned all the methods of selling. You have to be nice to a person. If you don't have what they want, offer them something else. And if they ask for something that you don’t have, tell them what shop has it.

    Next time I will make more products at my store more and spend more time at the store. When it’s all closed, you can't sell anything. You also can't ask your neighbor to run your shop for you.

    By the time market day was over I was sold out. Many of the kids made good products. I had lots of fun buying toys like Legos and nickknacks.

  21. I learned it's better to have a partner to work with at the stand. If you are busy with a customer and there is another customer waiting your partner can serve him/her. Also if you have a partner, you can get one person to hand out raffle tickets for your raffle prize and one person sell the product(s)

    What I will do better next time is not leave my stand for too long. I kind of went shopping too long and everyone started to line up at my raffle ticket stand. Then I had too many customers that needed raffle tickets. Oops!

  22. I learned that the more effort you put into making your product the more you will sell. Because I sold out on sports plaques which took me approximately 6 days to finish! I also sold paper airplanes that took 30 seconds to make but I sold none! I also learned that it is really fun to shop, look for ideas, see creative products, and have fun!

    What I would change is to put my top effort into all my products because shoppers can easily see if you barely put any effort into making your products. I would also change to shop more. Finally I would change to make five products and ten to thirty each.

  23. I learned that owning a shop is harder than I thought. You need to stay very organized. I didn't have that much time to put my money away because I had so many costumers- so I just stuffed it in my desk.

    What I would do differently is have a partner. I was so busy I didn't have much time to go shopping.

    It was kind of crowded in the classroom but I still had fun.

  24. I learned that the more effort you put into making your product the more you will sell. Because I sold out on sports plaques which took me approximately 6 days to finish! I also sold paper airplanes that took 30 seconds to make but I sold none! I also learned that it is really fun to shop, look for ideas, see creative products, and have fun!

    What I would change is to put my top effort into all my products because shoppers can easily see if you barely put any effort into making your products. I would also change to shop more. Finally I would change to make five products and ten to thirty each.

  25. Today at Market Day I learned it is always good to work with a partner. Next time I will talk about the raffle prize rather than waiting until the end when I've sold all of my products.

  26. What I learned to day was that it is hard to sell things at one price and that it hard to find the perfect price fit. I also learned that, that running a stand can make you rush and stress. I think I will stay with a partner.

    Next time I will start with a higher price.I would try and make more of popular things.I also think I should try to get together with my partner more.

  27. What I learned today was that buisnesses get very busy. That way you have to make the costamers wait a while. Lastly it takes a while to get your store to get popular.

    What I would do next time is try to spend less real money. I would also make more hand maid objects.

  28. What I will do next time is lower the price because someone came up and asked me how much they were. I said $15 and they walked away.

    I learned that not as much customers would come as I thought because there were a lot more stands than I thought. But I still had a lot of fun at Market Day.

  29. Somthing I will do differently next time is I will make less proucts so I won't have so many left over.
    Something I experencted today was how hard it is to be in bissuness.

  30. Something I would do differently is make less products, or easy products to make.
    Something I experienced today was selling stuff is hard.
