Thursday, December 16, 2010

Lewis & Clark

This morning we were visited by Steve Taylor and his friends Rudy (Sacagawea) and Rocky. Thank you parents for this terrific enrichment learning opportunity. We loved it!

In your blog post, please respond to the following questions.

1. What were two of the challenges that Lewis and Clark faced on their journey?
2. How do we know so much about a journey that occurred over 200 years ago?
3. Name 2-3 ways that Sacagawea helped Lewis and Clark and the Corps of Discovery.
4. What was you favorite part of the presentation? Why?


  1. Two of the challenges Lewis and Clark faced were the Rocky Mountains. They also faced going up river. The currant of the river going against them. We know a lot about the journey because Lewis, Clark, and the other members of the journey wrote in a journal. They recorded plants, animals,etc.Two ways Sacagawea saved the journey are when a boat tipped over in a storm, she saved many of the supplies. Also when they needed horses they went to an Indian tribe. Sacagawea translated for them to get the horses. My favorite part of the presentation was Rocky the Raccoon because he was very funny but also taught us about Lewis and Clark.

  2. The two challenges for Lewis and Clark was going up the river and crossing over the rocky mountains. We know most of the journy because they wrote and drew plants and animals. How Sacagawea helped Lewis and Clark was she grabbed the important stuff when the boat tipped over and she got horses when they needed them. My favorite part of the presentation was when rocky the racoon said funny stuff about Lewis and Clark.

  3. The two big challenges they faced were The Rocky Mountain and dealing with the Indians.We know so much about Lewis and Clark because they had journals that told about what they went through.
    Sacagawea helped by saving the three of the most important things in the storm,She as got them horses when they needed them,and also protected them from war.I liked Rocky because super funny and I loved Ruddy as well.

  4. The two challenges Lewis and Clark had was the Rocky Mountains and contact with the indians. We know alot about their journey because Clark recorded everything they saw, found, and discovered in his journal. Sacagawea helped Lewis and Clark by saving important supplies and directing them in the right direction. My favorite part of the presentation was Rocky the raccoon because he was funny and teaching us at the same time!

  5. Two things that Lewis & Clark faced were bears that they meet along the way, and death.

    I think that we know so much about Lewis & Clark because Steve Taylor read a book about them and the author read Lewis & Clarks journal.

    I think that two things that Sacagawea helped them with were telling them were they were going, and getting their stuff back on their bout because I remember Steve talking about their medicine falling off their bout.

    My favorite part of the presentation was rocky and roody because they were just really funny!

  6. Two things lewis and clark had to face were the rocky mountains and starvation.

    I think that we know so much about Lewis and Clark because scientists prbably found their journals and then wrote about it.

    I think two things that sacagawae helped them with was was staying calm and getting their belongings back and the second one is she helped translate Lewis amd Clark to the native americans.

    my favorite part of the presentation was rocky because he was really funny!

  7. I wasn't there for the presentation but what I can answer is from the movie,it is:How do we know so much about a journey that occurred over 200 years ago?

    They wrote in journals to write what they felt, saw, heard, and their hardships.

  8. The two challenges Lewis and Clark faced were the rocky mountains and the rivers. We know so much about their jourey because they wrote it all in a journal. Sacagawea helped Lewis and Clark out by helping them find food, lending them their horses and helping them know where to go! My favorite part was listening to the comedian puppets Rocky the racoon and Rody the native american! They were so funny that I could watch them all day! It was hard to say goodbye to the humerus puppets.


  9. What were two of the challenges that Lewis and Clark faced on their journey? Two of the challenges that they faced on their journey were: Native Americans and starvation.

    How do we know so much about a journey that occurred over 200 years ago?

    We know so much about this journey because somebody must have found Clark's journal and followed his map and found all these amazing things.

    Name 2-3 ways that Sacagawea helped Lewis and Clark and the Corps of Discovery. One of the ways that Sacagawea helped Louis and Clark was by saving the medicine when it fell out of the canoe. The second way was when she helped make peace with Native Americans. The third way was by helping them to get horses to ride over the mountains.

    What was you favorite part of the presentation? Why? My favorite part was when the presenter brought out Rocky and Rudy because they were very funny.

  10. Two challenges Lewis and Clark had to face were the Rocky Mountains and Native Americans. The 2 ways Sacagawea helped Lewis and Clark were by getting horses from the Native Americans and saving their stuff when the boat tipped over. We know so much about Lewis and Clarks expedition because they wrote in a journal about it. They recorded animals, plants etc. My favorite part of the presentation was Rocky the racoon because he was funny.

  11. The hardest things they faced was the Rocky Mountains and a lot of storms. We Know so much about Lewis and Clark because of are lesson with Mr.Steve.Without Sacagewea, Lewis and Clark could'nt go on the journey, Sacagewea helped them save there most important items,and get horses to cross the Rocky Mountains. My favorite part of are presentation was going on a journey, and meeting new people(like Sacagewea) and learning about them.

  12. Two challenges Lewis and Clark faced was the Rocky Mountains and making peace/trading with different Indian tribes. Three ways Sacagawea helped save the exhibition was by receiving important journals, medicine, etc. Another way she helped was by getting the horses to cross the Rocky Mountains from her long lost brother (chief of their tribe).The last way she helped was by actually just traveling with Lewis and Clark, to the other Native Americans she was a peace symbol and stopped many wars from happening. We know so much about the exhibition because of journals they would write in about the native people and their adventures exploring what is now the USA. Also we learned about the exhibition through pictures Lewis and Clark would draw about the new plants and animal species they discovered. My favorite part was Rocky by far because I he was funny and enjoyable to watch. -Brian

  13. One of the chalenges were that they were forced to eat their horse because if they didn't they would die.Number two is,when they tried to make peace some tribes wern't friendley.One way Sacagawea helped is when the boat tiped over all the stuff started floating away but Sacagawea grabed it all befor it did.Another Sacagawea helped is that when some tribes were going to atack she would be seen and it would force them to hold their fire.I know all of this because of the journals lewis and clark wrote in, because of the journals Sacagawea saved when the boat tiped over the journals are safe and that was one of my favoriteparts of the show of Steve Taylor,Nick Larsen,Pranav Dhilup,and Kaitlian Cruzen.

  14. Two chalanges that Lewis and Clark faced were the rocky moutians and storms. We know so much because we started to learn about there adventure. Two ways Sacagawea helped Lewis and Clark was she befriended other tribes when they passed through there teritorty and when a boat tiped over she grabed all the food and important equipment. My favorite part of the presentationwas rocky because he was so funny.

  15. Two challenges that Lewis and Clark faced were the rocky mountains and the storms that made the boat sink.

    Sacagawea helped Lewis and Clark by making peace with other native tribes. Sacagawea helped get Lewis and Clark's belongings back from the storm.

    My favorite part of the presentation was rocky and rooty because they were funny and they tought us many facts.

    We know so much about Lewis and Clark's journies because they wrote in their journals about what they saw and heard.

  16. Some challenges Lewis and Clarck faced were:
    1. Getting over the Rocky Mountains
    2. Starvation on Rocky Mountains

    We know about The Corps Of Discovery from the journals Clark kept. Sacagawea helped Lewis and Clark by grabbing the boxes of journals and everything Lewis and Clark found when the boat tipped. She also helped by helping to find horses.

    My favorite part of the presentation was when Steve Taylor took out Rocky. Rocky was hilarious! He was calling boys "Turkeys" and he said "Girls, oooooh".

  17. One of the challenges lewis and Clark had to face was not Alot of food another challenge they had to face was they had to make peace with the native american tribes. People back then recorded data by using notebooks,journals and peices of paper so now we can read them and find out what really happened. One way Sacagawea helped them was by she helped them explore another thing she helped them do was help them survive and a third way she helped them was she helped them make peace. One of my favorite things about the presentation was I really liked Rocky he was so funny.

  18. Two challenges Lewis and Clark faced were the rocky mountains and running into indian tribes.

    We know so mmuch about the Corps of Discovety because of the journals Lewis and Clark kept.Sacagawea helped in many ways. One way was when the boat tipped and everything flew out. Sacagwea grabbed all the important things for the rest of the journey. Sacagawea also helped when Lewis and Clark ran into the Shishoni Tribe. Sacagawea recognized her long lost brother and in return they got the horses they wanted to cross the Rockys'.

    My favorite part was Rocky the Raccoon.I liked him so much because he entertained me and made me laudg very hard.-Katherine

  19. Q1. One challenges Lewis and Clark faced was, they didn't have enough food. Another challenge they faced was, Lewis and Clark reached the mountains and needed horses, but they didn't have them.

    Q2. We know so much because we got to see it and we learned about it in the assembly, and in a video.

    Q3. One way Sacagawea helped Lewis and Clark was when there boat tipped over. She grabed all the important stuff, like medicine, food and water. Another way is that she helped translate what Lewis and Clark were saying.

    Q4. My favorite part of the presentation was when Rocky came. Because, Rocky kept saying funny stuff.

  20. Two challenges Lewis and Clark faced were crossing the rocky mountains and was trying to make friends with Indian tribes.

    We know a lot about the adventure 200 years ago because they wrote in a journal that was given to them by the president.

    Two ways Sacagawea helped Louis and Clark is by helping them grab the boxes of journals also by helping translate with the Native Tribes.

    My favorite part of the presentation was Rocky because he can keep me entertained for hours.

  21. One challenge Lewis and Clark ran into was when they were running out of food in the Rocky Mountains. Another challenge they had was going over really strong currents.
    We know so much about the journey of Lewis and Clark because the remanning journals of the men were found and read , the men had wrote about there journey! Thanks to Sacagawea taking good care of the journals.
    Three ways Sacagawea helped them on their journey are by being there and keeping the other Indian tribes from fighting. Also, she took all important belongings when boats tipped. Lastly she showed them new plants which could be eaten and many other new things.
    My favorite part about the presentation was when Lewis and Clark were done with their journey and when Sacagawea came out becauseI loved when you learned and also had fun.-Jacqueline

  22. the chaghs Lewis and Clark faced were the rocky mountions beoase back in thoughs days they did not have cars or buses they had houes but they did not have them beaese they trabed on boat. anthere one of they canges was they did not have anef food.

    we now sow munch about lewis and clak beoese they wrot in notebooks so we kown.

    The ways she helped was save there must importent thins and help to translat.

  23. Two challenges that Lewis and Clark faced were: the rocky mountains and going through the river currents. We know so much because there were so many journals that they wrote in about what they had discovered, new speicies of plants and animals that they discovered. Sacagawea saved all there food and important belongings in storms. She also got them horses so they can pass over the rocky mountains. My favorite part of the presantation was when he introduced rocky because it was funny and educational.

  24. The party of 43 men faced steep mountains, bears and hills to climb. They had to carry all of their stuff. And there were diseases that they didn’t know about and so they didn’t have a cure for them. The tribes were mostly nice to Lewis and Clark but the mean ones shot arrows at them from their bows.

    We know so much about it because of journals the two men left behind. They were instructed by the President to carry journals. They also left behind bones, fur and things the tribes gave them.

    Sacagawea translated so the tribes knew what Lewis and Clark were saying. The other tribes didn’t bring a war party because she was one of them and they didn’t want to wage war on one of their own people. She also helped Lewis and Clark find places and things such as edible plants and fresh water.

    My favorite part was all of the jokes and magic tricks. There was one part where he told the volunteer, Nick, to hold a replica of the boat and then he pulled a flag from the boat. The whole boat collapsed! Then he told Nick to hold a horse, when Nick held onto the horse’s feet, the horse’s other foot, tail and head popped off!

  25. The two challanges that Lewis and Clark had to face were rocky mountains and animals.
    How we know about this journey 200 years ago is it was not just a story it was an important story and I mean very important.
    Second Sacagawea helped by translating to tribes and finding things edible.
    My favorite part was rocky he was so funny!

  26. The things that Lewis and Clark NEEDED to do was make more boats.It was because when winter came their boats got destroyed. In the summer it was hard for the people because they needed to make more boats. People DID NOT have the stuff that we have now so there was no shade exept for trees. They ran into a lot of animals like bears. When the mountains got high they had to walk over them by foot. Sacagawea helped them by leting them stay there during the winter. Also by leting them eat food. The reason we know so much is because a boy who was dressed as a person from the old days told us- Alexis
