In a couple of weeks we begin our first classroom simulation – “Classroom Campground”. This is a standards-based program addressing health, science, Language Arts, technology, and math standards. It will be the central piece of our Forests and Ecosystems Thematic Unit. Students work individually and in groups on writing, drawing, planning menus, as well as learning about food chains and safety. “Classroom Campground” increases student awareness of their environment and stresses our responsibility to preserve it. We will be setting up camp in a couple of weeks and I am looking for a small tent (domed preferred) that I can set up in my classroom and other campsite items. If you have one that I might borrow please let me know. FYI- students will be allowed to use the tent.
I am also looking for any “nature-ish” decorations for the classroom during the simulation. If you have any pine garland, small artificial Christmas trees, forest animal stuffed animals, cabin décor, or any other forest related items that might make the classroom feel more like a campground, I would love to borrow them. The simulation is scheduled to start Wednesday, 9/30. Thank you so much in advance!
CORN MAZE: The field trip to the Corn Maze is fast approaching (next Friday, 9/24). Please make sure to send your child to school with a sack lunch (with their name and my name on it) on Friday and encourage them to wear sturdy walking shoes. Parent chaperones need to arrive at school no later than 9:15.