Friday, May 4, 2012

Learning Update 5.4.12

Dear Families,

With MSP testing and our Author's Chair, this week absolutely flew by. Here's our update:

We did it! Our published authors proudly display their hard work.
Mrs. Otley joined in the celebration. She was surprised to find that she and even her husband made cameo appearances in some of the stories.
As students listened to each author's story, they had to provide feedback by writing at least one thing about the author's writing that was exceptional. We gathered this feedback together and made a book as a gift to each author. I would share a handful of insightful comments that were written each time as a new writer got set to share. This lifted the quality of our thinking and feedback about each piece. It also was good timing for students to point out the characteristics of great narrative writing the day before they took the Narrative Writing MSP! :)

  • Finished up Unit 10 on reflections and symmetry. The class has had a great time studying this material
  • We'll take a Unit 10 assessment on Monday
  • Students worked on a Washington State Government scavenger hunt, by reading and gathering information from their Social Studies books
Social Studies
  • Learned about the three branches of government, checks and balances, our representatives, how a bill becomes a law and more
  • We'll try to wrap up this unit early next week before we head to Olympia for our State Capitol field trip on Monday 5/14
  • We're halfway there. Students took the Reading MSP on Tuesday morning and took the Writing #1 (narrative) MSP for most of the day Thursday.
  • Big thanks to Elizabeth Dorrance for providing our students with their own nutritious snack bags during the Writing MSP. These were a big hit, and Elizabeth wrote an encouraging message in each one!
  • Tuesday 5/8 we'll take the Writing #2 (Expository--essay) MSP for most the day, and Thursday 5/10 we'll finish MSP testing with Math. Snacks will be provided again on Tuesday only.
  • Thanks for your encouragement at home and for making sure your student gets good rest the night before and has a good breakfast on our testing days