Friday, December 9, 2011

Learning Updates 12/9/11

Happy Friday!

It's been another busy week, especially with all the great things we're trying to fit in just one week before winter break.

Market Day...
...was a huge success! Thank you for all your support at home in helping your child tackle this project. Also thanks to all the parents who assisted in setup, cleanup, making change, and helping out during Market Day. We couldn't have done it without you.

Check out lots more oil cleanup & Market Day pictures below:

Click HERE for Market Day and Science Pictures!

  • Worked on 2x2 and 3x2 digit multiplication with the partial products and lattice algorithms--ask your student to show you both
  • Studied powers of 10 and rounding/reporting large numbers
  • Discussed and wrote in our response journals about our histories as readers, and what things we've been thinking about lately as we read
  • Reviewed our books finished logs and introduced a genre tracking graph
  • Planned oil containment/cleanup based on our hands on tests with each of nine potential materials. Students combined, altered, and changed the order in which to use these materials
  • Conducted the cleanup, calculated scores, tried to improve designs/redesigned, and conducted a second cleanup/calculated new scores
  • Talked about the editing process. Students finished drafts and began revising/editing
  • Next week we'll conference and author's chair is coming soon