Friday, April 1, 2011

Learning Updates

I hope you have a wonderful Spring Break! Here's the latest from the classroom:

Social Studies
  • Read Chapter 8 on Washington's economy
  • Students worked together to complete a review of the material, then took a test
  • Started Pacific Rim unit
  • Our new social skill is "Risk Taking." We brainstormed what it looks/sounds like
    • Ask your child about one way they've taken a risk in class this week
  • Sorted Pacific Rim pictures in small groups, looked at observation charts (Pac. Rim pictures grouped by theme) and wrote observations & questions around the room in response to pictures grouped by a certain theme related to Pac Rim
  • Students took the Unit 8 test and Open Response
  • We started a new unit on Fractions, Decimals and Percents
  • Ask your student about a new game we played, which reinforces concepts of area & perimeter, called Rugs & Fences
  • Students are making great progress with their fictional narratives
  • We've discussed story mountains as a way to revise early and often as our story ideas unfold
  • Talked about the importance of a character that deeply desires something, but struggles with something
  • Learned about showing rather than telling in our scenes, and effective leads and endings
  • Ask your student what realistic fiction endings should not do. Hint: Superman
  • Learning about different book genres. 
  • Ask your student about the genre requirements through the end of the year. How are we tracking books read?
  • Learning about making inferences when we read--using the clues to discern the author's meaning
  • Miss Leah (our Literacy Coach) came in to work with the class on making inferences
  • Some students met in small reading group to further practice the skill
  • Students shared book recommendations and we added to our Books to Read lists
  • Ask what's been happening lately in our Wrinkle in Time read aloud

Making Inferences. Miss Leah conducts a whole class shared reading lesson.

Sorting picture file cards for Pacific Rim
Observation charts. Recording questions/observations about themed photos related to Pacific Rim.