Here's the latest from our classroom
Last Friday we had an Art Docent Lesson. Thank you to Lisa Purdon and Christina Elin, Jolene Strait, Debbie Spoto, and Kim Foster.
Students learned about Rousseau and created oil pastel ecosystem drawings on black construction paper. |
Mr. Ciraulo worked with students on problem solving. We examined and critiqued a student example, learning from it. Students will redo the problem, this time using much of what we learned. |
- Continued working with decimals--using base 10 blocks to model ones/tenths/hundreths, practicing correct notation, comparing/ordering decimals, estimating with decimals, adding/subtracting decimals, and working with decimals in money
- Continued our focus on main idea, using a picture book, Brave Irene, and continued our schema (background knowledge) focus by listening to a short book on tape. We'll follow up next week by revising our schema when students can actually see the pictures in the book.
- Read with our second grade reading buddies in Miss Evanger's class
- Learned about making revisions sooner this time than in our first unit--using what we know now about great personal narrative writing. Also talked about setting a balance between external (things you can see and hear) and internal factors (thoughts, feelings, emotions inside you) in our stories
- Completed our fourth grade personal narrative fall writing prompt--a chance for us to see growth in students' writing
- Bonus. Have your student write "pollution" on a sticky note or paper and give it to me by Monday 11/7 for 10 Grizzly bucks!
- We've read about terrestrial animals, how seeds germinate, and three common sources of pollution in ecosystems--acid rain, road salt, and fertilizer.
- Students began designing their group's pollution experiment on either salt, vinegar (acid rain), or fertilizer
- SOAR (in-class field trip) brought a couple birds of prey and talked with students about food webs. It was a high interest, great tie in with our ecosystems studies. Thank you for funding this!
SOAR presentation right before the birds came out! |